Blue Flower

Requirements & Business Challenges & Goals


Tracking trainee seats and attendee requirements for physical or electronic classes can be an important way to track training ROI, seat fulfillment, and ensure customer satisfaction. Management and the training department would like a better view into the ROI of training, determining profitability and potential seasonality of in-person training classes and registration. Managers and trainers would also like to gather feedback through a follow-up survey.

Challenges & Stakeholders

The initial business use case arises because four distinct groups all need to be able to have better visualization into training campaigns:

  1. Trainers- Trainers need to see how quickly classes are filling to help them determine if they need to schedule additional classes or reschedule a class that is under threshold participation. They have also been asked to track short term training ROI- the actual value of training opportunity sales, and long term ROI determining if customers who participate in one training session become repeat customers. They would also like to see more information about their training attendees ahead of time, have dietary information (since meals are provided in the training fee) and be able to create seating charts from the data.
  2. Customer Success- CS Agents need better visibility into what types of training their users have participated in so that they suggest training upsells and better understand the level of support a user may need, as well as help guide the trainers in areas where training could be better developed. They also need to know if one of their customers is registered but not paid two weeks before the workshop start date, and they would like to ensure that specific customer questions are addressed by being able to attach these questions to the campaign member so that trainers can see and prepare to address those concerns.
  3. Marketing and Sales- Marketing and sales need to be able to see at a glance if their are open training seats in upcoming trainings. This will help them to be more efficient at selling trainings and also alert them if there is a need to fill up a training class as the start date draws near.
  4.  Department Coordinator and Accounting- The Department Coordinators are responsible for setting up the training campaigns, ensuring the food is ordered and that all the important customer data, such as hotel information is provided to a registrant. They need a quick consistent method to create the training campaigns, tie them to the appropriate parent campaigns, and take payments from registrants. Accounting likewise wants to ensure that all training Opportunities for paid attendees are marked Closed Won at the end of the training. Prior to this, they cannot track the revenue and so Opportunites can be paid but not Closed before the training is complete.

 Established Requirements based on User Story

As a result we want to create a custom campaign type that will allow us to:

  1. Track the number of seats filled in a specific classroom layout, visually, on the campaign.
  2. Display if seats are empty, registered or paid
  3. Track and automate sending key information to the attendees of the workshop based on their status
  4. Create and persist special campaign member statuses across all training campaigns (prior to Spring '20 deep clone).
  5. Track special interest or needs relative to our product for future marketing purposes
  6. Determine and track class content so that we can see:
    1. the success of training in reducing customer support requests on similar topics
    2. what trainings a customer has participated in over time for marketing and development
  7. Store customer needs and interests and dietary concerns on the contact as well as the campaign member so that we have these for future reference.
  8. Alert staff if attendees are registered but not paid 1 week prior to the training class.
  9. Alert marketing if more than 2 seats are left open in any layout within 2 weeks of the training.
  10. Provide a printable seating chart.
  11. Rollup training ROI for the campaign and the year.
  12. Track costs for Net Training profitablity.
  13. A survey needs to be auto sent on completion of the training.
  14. The campaign needs to close automatically after the training workshop is closed to ensure that no training campaigns are left open indefinitely, and because the Opportunities cannot be closed until the training is completed, the automation should also close all related Opportunites as Closed Won.
  15. For training attendees that do not hold a license to the software, create a follow-up task for Sales to reach out 4 business days after training.



  1. Customers need to be able to moved between workshops and their attendee data needs to follow them to that workshop.
  2. Several workshop designs are required so that the workshops can be mapped in-house or based on common hotel configurations.
  3. Additional layout is desired for a 16 seat digital layout.
  4. Training campaigns need to be distinct and available only to users who will benefit from them, they cannot interrupt the standard use of campaigns for marketing and sales.
  5. Because no key data can be missed and people are short on time, a wizard-like campaign setup for training campaigns is preferred.
  6. To create the most accurate seating charts it would be desirable



The suite of solutions that will allows us to create the final product are listed below

Campaign Record

Custom fields including fields that allow us to tract

  • Campaign Member Ids by seat